Monday, February 28, 2011

Neto and Zenaide

So last week I told you that Neto and Zenaide would be baptized this Saturday. It went through and they were baptized! It was so special! My companion, Elder Santos is having a few knee problems and we're going to physical therapy. That and a few other things, we were very busy last week. We got a little side-tracked so we didn't have a whole lot of time to plan out the baptism, but it was great.

On Saturday we went and cleaned out the baptismal font and got it filled up, an hour or so before the baptism. The Irmã Zenaide's parents came from Piripiri, about 2 and a half hours from Teresina so they could see the wedding and the baptism. Irmão Neto has a brother in the ward right next to Taquari, so he, his son (Neto's nephew who just got his call to Florianóplis) and a few acquaintances came to the baptism. It was simple but great. I wanted to do a special musical number, but nobody else who could sing with me was able to come, so I ended up singing a solo! It wasn't the best, but I sang because they're special to me. Then we had the actual baptism and watched a small clip from the DVD Introduction to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It went really well!

Afterwards we all went over to Neto and Zenaide's house and we had a little party with food and cake. The cake was delicious. Very, very delicious. So was the food! They got to know a few more members of the ward, so that was a big help.

Saturday also happened to be my birthday! So it was pretty much the best birthday on the mission. On Sunday, I got to confirm them members. I'm grateful to have been able to be a little part of it all.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Love ya'all!
Elder Rackham

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